Clever: the manual drive electric lifter

The ideal manual drive electric lifter to install air heaters.

CLEVER is an electric mini-lifter, which can be elevated up to 2900 mm and can withstand a maximum load of 120 kg, created to handle and install air conditioners and air heaters. It is equipped with an aluminium ladder that is hooked onto the forklift, which enables the operator to assemble and carry out maintenance operations of CDZ condenser units. The increased fixed wheel system and additional rollers on the mast enable the electric truck to be loaded onto vans horizontally and easily carried by the operator.


CLEVER is sometimes also used to meet special needs. Indeed, thanks to its double extension mast, its accessory-holder plate reaches a height of 2900 mm. Like the other models, the CLEVER electric lifter can be fitted with interchangeable accessories to provide a single solution to meet the operator's various needs.

The CLEVER minilifter can be fitted with a cable push-button panel or a remote control to be able to adapt the lifting movement of the surface to the needs of the operator.

Customisations are available based on the client's actual needs, both in terms of equipment and modifications to the frame, such as the widened spokes or various lifting heights.


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This special equipment is assembled on our Clever electric lifter

